i've got no relief

Whenever I get in one of these shit moods, I literally and physically cannot bring myself to do anything. All I've done today was shower and download some more music, but I still don't feel any better. It hurts to just be sitting here, and yet I still can't force myself to go outside and do things. I also still have so many workshift hours to make up, emails to respond to, bills to pay, and preparations to finish for tonight's house party.

I think I'm just gonna try to

1) get my body outside and try to clear my head
2) ride my bike and/or take public transportation and listen to some tunes
3) go find something warm to eat
4) maybe get a haircut???
5) try to calm down because I'm seeing humans tonight
6) ((I just want to feel ok + also stop missing people & not doing anything about that))

Today was supposed to turn out very differently [i.e. movie date // hiking // decorating the room together all didn't work out] but w/e I'm gonna try to get myself in a better state of mind before tonight because I don't know how to deal with anything right now. 


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