if you want to get used

I've been such a terrible person these days. Like, honestly, I just take up space, and not much else. I mean, these last few days, I've done some cool things, like

*help with a photoshoot
*learned how to make a pizza from scratch
*went to the pride block party
*saw other humans that I like
*rewatched some films
*and talked to an old friend from back home for three hours

but I've also let a whole bunch of people down and fucked up a lot, and these things I just have no means of justifying.

It was a hard month to get through. I think perhaps today I'm just gonna try to do all of my homework in one go, finish workshift, talk to people, buy some lemonade, maybe watch a few things, and sleep the rest of whatever this is off.

[ I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry for being like this // I hope it passes soon !! ]


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